Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

Welcome to Konzertfreunde

A warm wel­co­me, dear con­cert fans!

Wel­co­me – here on our web­site and of cour­se espe­ci­al­ly – in the con­cert hall.


The con­cert on Sun­day in Ped­re­guer in the church of San­ta Creu was dedi­ca­ted to the flood vic­tims of Valencia

Our regi­on was spared from the mas­ses of water that hit Valen­cia. We want to help the vic­tims get back on their feet with finan­cial dona­ti­ons. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, we have set our sights on the reti­re­ment home in Pai­por­ta and are in cont­act with the direc­tor.

Accor­ding to reports in the news­pa­per ‘El Pais’, six resi­dents of the resi­dence died in the floods after the staff had tried ever­y­thing human­ly possible.

Plea­se use the ‘wir für Sie’ account number:

CAIXA – ES77 2100 7316 4311 0042 7927

Sub­ject: ‘DANA Valencia’

Upcoming events

Alex­an­der Beliakow

Fri­day, 28. February

19:00 – 21:00
  • Loca­ti­on: Tea­t­ro Audi­to­rio Dénia
  • Address: Cal­le Cal­de­ron, 4, 03700 Dénia

Alex­an­der Beliakow

Fri­day, 28. February

19:00 – 21:00
  • Loca­ti­on: Tea­t­ro Audi­to­rio Dénia
  • Address: Cal­le Cal­de­ron, 4, 03700 Dénia

The Concert Friends always offer you something special.


The companies listed below support our activities to a special degree. Our thanks go to them at this point. Please also visit the websites of our sponsors.Just click on the picture!