Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

Flamenco | Guitarras del Mediterráneo

  • Date: Sunday, 26. June
  • Time: 19:00 - 21:00
  • Location: Restaurant Los Arcos
  • Address: N-332, km 194, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 20,00

The well-known fla­men­co group Gui­tar­ras del Medi­ter­rá­neo with their latest show: dancer Ire­ne de la Rosa and the three tho­roughbred musi­ci­ans with gui­tars and per­cus­sion have crea­ted a spe­cial style: A fusi­on of clas­si­cal fla­men­co and rhythm, an explo­si­ve mix of con­tem­po­ra­ry and Spa­nish dance, a per­for­mance full of art, tas­te. The best of four pro­fes­sio­nals in an attrac­ti­ve production.