Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

27th International Organ Festival in Pedreguer (2nd concert)

Orfeo Universitari de València
  • Date: Sunday, 8. October
  • Time: 18:00 - 20:00
  • Location: Stadtkirche Pedreguer
  • Address: Plaça Major, 26, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

The powerful-voi­ced choir of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Valen­cia with more than 60 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, whe­ther women or men, will per­form and take you into the realm of gre­at cho­ral music. Geor­ge Fri­de­ric Han­del wro­te a mas­ter­pie­ce, the “Mes­siah”. From this work you will hear “Hal­le­lu­jah.

And in the second part, the choir will offer you popu­lar cho­ral works by Wolf­gang Ama­de­us Mozart: “Ave ver­um Cor­pus” and “Mis­sa Solem­nis. But Bach and Spa­nish com­po­sers such as T.L. de Vic­to­ria should not be miss­ing from such an event. David Mora­les, who has also per­for­med in Ped­re­guer, will play the organ. A musi­cal delight at its best for lovers of gre­at cho­ral music.