Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

Christmas concert

  • Date: Tuesday, 26. December
  • Time: 16:30 - 18:00
  • Location: Stadtkirche Pedreguer
  • Address: Plaça Major, 26, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

Boxing Day, Tuesday, 26 December 2023 from 4:30 pm

The popu­lar Christ­mas con­cert on Boxing Day: with atmo­sphe­ric organ melodies.

Vicen­te is once again put­ting tog­e­ther a spe­cial and fes­ti­ve pro­gram­me, Ilse is alre­a­dy on the loo­kout for spe­cial Christ­mas sto­ries and the real Nurem­berg gin­ger­b­read has alre­a­dy been orde­red. Every visi­tor gets one to take home with them.

We wish you a Mer­ry Christ­mas and look for­ward to see­ing you again at the last con­cert in 2023.