Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

27th International Organ Festival in Pedreguer (5th concert)

  • Date: Sunday, 29. October
  • Time: 18:00 - 20:00
  • Location: Stadtkirche Pedreguer
  • Address: Plaça Major, 26, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

Choir and Orches­tra de la Rec­to­ria – the crow­ning fina­le – as every year.

The mixed choir, with its more than 60 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, and the orches­tra with 22 musi­ci­ans, the con­cen­tra­ted power of the artists of Mari­na Alta. You will hear excerp­ts from the ope­ra “Caval­le­ria Rusti­ca­na” by P. Mas­ca­gni. And from Goun­od the “Mes­se Solen­nel­le”. Soloists Pepi Llo­ret sopra­no, Jose Mar­ti­nez tenor, Car­los Lopez bari­to­ne, Vicen­te Giner organ. All con­duc­ted by Jau­me Morell, a real con­duc­ting talent.

Even if you haven’t been able to choo­se any of the con­certs so far, this one you MUST have heard. How a litt­le place cal­led Rafol in the coun­ty of Rec­to­ria stands out from the low­lands, how peo­p­le, like you and me, bring about some­thing so uni­que every year. See how, thanks to dili­gence and count­less hours of rehear­sal, talent and tire­less effort, this choir rises abo­ve all limits every year to per­form some­thing as uni­que as the­se cho­ral works.

Let yours­elf be car­ri­ed away.