Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

2. Dénia Classics – Claudio Carbó

  • Date: Friday, 25. February
  • Time: 19:00 - 21:00
  • Location: Teatro Auditorio Dénia
  • Address: Calle Calderon, 4, 03700 Dénia
  • Cost: € 15,00

Clau­dio Car­bó is an excel­lent pia­nist who also stu­di­ed in Munich. While still a stu­dent, he won inter­na­tio­nal pri­zes as best pia­nist. His pro­gram­me includes a ron­do by Mozart, bal­lads by Cho­pin, lyri­cal pie­ces from Nor­way by E. Grieg and other tre­asu­res. Yes, even a world pre­mie­re by Gor­don Law­son the Eng­lish com­po­ser on the Cos­ta Blan­ca is plan­ned. A tre­at for fri­ends of the piano