Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

27th International Organ Festival in Pedreguer (4th concert)

  • Date: Sunday, 22. October
  • Time: 18:00 - 20:00
  • Location: Stadtkirche Pedreguer
  • Address: Plaça Major, 26, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

Spain from its most beau­tiful side. The gui­tar takes cent­re stage; a must for all tho­se living in Spain. You will hear the “Con­cer­to of Aran­juez”, by the blind com­po­ser L. Rodri­go. Mas­se­ne­t’s “Medi­ta­ti­on” from the ope­ra “Thais”, and Albeni­z’s “Astu­ri­as”. But also works by A. Soler, Sara­sa­te and Paganini.

The artists are:

Sant­ia­go Juan Vio­lin, Vicent Bal­les­ter Gui­tar and Prof. Vicen­te Giner Organ.

Pure Spain.