Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

New Year’s Concert 2024

  • Date: Saturday, 20. January
  • Time: 17:00 - 19:30
  • Location: Teatro Auditorio Dénia
  • Address: Calle Calderon, 4, 03700 Dénia
  • Cost: € 28,00

“Clarinet magic”

Per­for­mers: the soloist ensem­ble of the Frank­furt Phil­har­mo­nic Orches­tra, Juri Gil­bo con­duc­tor, guest: Roman Kuper­schmidt, clarinet.
Even the begin­ning is a joy: excerp­ts from Mozar­t’s cla­ri­net con­cer­to…, fol­lo­wed by com­po­si­ti­ons by Tchai­kovs­ky, Weber, Brahms, right up to the sab­re dance that intro­du­ces the interval.
The second part is just as exci­ting, whe­ther sum­mer time or Ana­tev­ka, all popu­lar melo­dies from well-known musi­cals. Book ear­ly, the seats are limi­t­ed and the­re is only one concert.