Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

New Year’s concert – The Glenn Miller Story

  • Date: Saturday, 18. January
  • Time: 17:00 - 19:30
  • Location: Teatro Auditorio Dénia
  • Address: Calle Calderon, 4, 03700 Dénia
  • Cost: € 35,00

Tickets only by phone

With the soloists of the HR and SWR Big­band from Frank­furt, the cent­re of swing. Con­duc­ted and pre­sen­ted by Rai­ner Heu­te and his ‘Sul­tans of Swing’ band.

A tru­ly UNIQUE con­cert in Dénia, with Pat App­le­ton, a world-class soloist. Also known from television.
In the pro­gram­me, Glenn Mil­ler is accom­pa­nied by Duke Elling­ton, Ella Fitz­ge­rald and Lou­is Armstrong.


And in the inter­val, the famous glass of spar­k­ling wine with vanil­la cre­s­cents to cele­bra­te the New Year.

Boo­king is now open.

Tickets at €35 from the begin­ning of November.

If you want to know more, here are the soloists:
Rai­ner Heu­te, (pho­to) Pat App­le­ton, Axel Schlos­ser, Pierre Paquet­te, Felix Fromm, Thi­lo Wag­ner, Tho­mas Sta­be­now, Jean Paul Höchstedter

Tickets only by phone