Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

String Quartet Odessa. Vivaldi and spring in the Romantic period

  • Date: Friday, 29. March
  • Time: 19:00 - 21:30
  • Location: Teatro Auditorio Dénia
  • Address: Calle Calderon, 4, 03700 Dénia
  • Cost: € 18,00


Evge­ny Mory­a­tov, violin

Mar­tin Buch­hal­ter-Mon­te­ro, violin

Ana­to­liy Mel­ny­chuk, viola

Iry­na Yur­chen­ko, cello

The Four Sea­sons (com­ple­te)
BACH: Gold­berg Varia­ti­ons (excerp­ts)
and moving music from North and South America
Here you final­ly have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear the “Four Sea­sons” complete:

The vir­tuo­so vio­li­nist Anto­nio Vival­di dared to descri­be the four sea­sons with music in 1725. This beca­me his most famous work, and the varie­ty of sounds still sur­pri­ses us. In spring, the vio­lins paint the rust­ling of lea­ves and gras­ses, you can ima­gi­ne the slee­ping she­p­herd in front of you, and in the back­ground you can hear the tired bar­king of the she­pher­d’s dog.

The heat in sum­mer: the dull, slug­gish chords make us feel the extre­me heat, the cuckoo calls, a dove, a gold­finch. The ten­si­on rises, stron­ger and stron­ger, dischar­ges in a vir­tuo­so solo,

Autumn, the sea­son of the hunt: the sound of horns, gunshots, echo­ing back, the exci­ted attempts of an ani­mal to escape. Mas­terful­ly cap­tu­red in this movement.

Win­ter: a stac­ca­to, dis­so­nan­ces, a cold, shi­ve­ring atmo­sphe­re, the solo vio­lin inter­rupts this cold pain­ting as a mer­ci­less wind. And in con­trast, the cosy place by the fire­place, warm and com­for­ta­ble, out­side the rain beats on the win­dows as a piz­zi­ca­to of vio­lins. What a con­trast bet­ween the inhos­pi­ta­ble natu­re out­side and the cosy world inside.

You have to expe­ri­ence it.
Tickets at the box office on the evening of the con­cert: €20