Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

Swing Swing Swing in autumn

  • Date: Sunday, 19. September
  • Time: 17:00 - 19:00
  • Location: Restaurant Los Arcos
  • Address: N-332, km 194, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

The per­for­mers Car­men Pau­la Rome­ro (sopra­no), Angel Bel­da (cla­ri­net) and Vicen­te Giner (pia­no) sing and play SWING of the 20s and 30s from Ben­ny Good­man to Glen Mil­ler and Georg Gershwin.

With well-known titles such as “Sum­mer­ti­me, Moon­light Sere­na­de, Stran­gers in the night or Oh when the saints…” you will hear world hits and whoe­ver wants will sing along!

A musi­cal­ly colourful after­noon whe­re hands and feet will not rest either.

Look for­ward to a cheerful, rou­sing con­certin the green park of the Los Arcos restau­rant: on the N332 near Ped­re­guer, km 194 (in case of rain in the hall).

Tickets for the con­cert at 15€ from 3 Sep­tem­ber as usu­al at Pro­akus­tik, Avda Joan Fus­ter 28 C, Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 2 pm, or info and reser­va­ti­on at the Con­cert Fri­ends Tel: 965 788 840, info@konzertfreunde.com and www.konzertfreunde.com

Plea­se also remem­ber to book well in advan­ce so that you can safe­ly choo­se your seat whe­re you like it. Plea­se coll­ect reser­ved tickets by 4:30 p.m.