Konzertfreunde Costa Blanca

XXV. International Organ Festival in Pedreguer – 4th concert

  • Date: Sunday, 24. October
  • Time: 17:30 - 19:30
  • Location: Stadtkirche Pedreguer
  • Address: Plaça Major, 26, 03750 Pedreguer
  • Cost: € 15,00

The fourth con­cert eveningbrings music from baro­que to fla­men­co, hence the unu­su­al instru­men­ta­ti­on. With organ, drums, trumpet and gui­tar. Every artist a soloist. They will cele­bra­te the wide ran­ge of musi­cal styl­es for you. From Bach’s “Organ Pre­lude” to the trumpe­t’s “Lie­bes­traum” and the Spa­nish “Gui­tar Fan­ta­sy” by Astor Piaz­zolla. So the­re is some­thing for real­ly every con­cert lover.