Christmas concert 2024




Among other things, you will hear excerp­ts from Bach’s Christ­mas Ora­to­rio, the migh­ty ‘Daugh­ter of Zion’ and, of cour­se, ever­yo­ne will be able to join in with the, oh you mer­ry, silent night. We will hear and enjoy the deli­ca­te tones of Maria José Clemente’s flu­te and Vicen­te Giner on the organ.

Bet­ween the mar­vell­ous melo­dies, you will hear con­tem­pla­ti­ve, serious and cheerful things for Christ­mas. Don’t for­get your cushions.

Each visi­tor will recei­ve a Christ­mas sur­pri­se, an ori­gi­nal Nurem­berg gingerbread.